ID: 23823
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If you are an agent/sourcer and have properties you would like to sell on the Property Investor app work with us get in touch by calling : 01902 773940
18% Below Market Value
Portfolio of 3 Income Generating Properties
?1 x 3 Bedroom Property &
2 x 2 Bedroom Properties
Offerton Street, Sunderland, SR4 7EA
Approximate Market Value = ?75,000
Houghton Street, Sunderland, SR4 7DY
Approximate Market Value = ?65,000
Lumley Street, Sunderland, SR4 7DZ
Approximate Market Value = ?55,000
Combined Market Value = ?195,000
Combined Purchased Price = ?160,000
Finder?s Fee = ?6,000
Combined Gross Income = ?12,000 per annum
Potential Gross Income = ?17,400 per annum
For a limited time only, we have secured a small portfolio of properties from a tired landlord.
The properties are all fully occupied paying below market value rents as a result of having long standing tenants.
There is scope to increase the rents in line with the market rents to extract further cashflow from the portfolio.
If you want to see more deals like this, then please visit the Property Investor website or download the \'Property Investor\' app by visiting:
Apple Devices : Search for Property Investor in iOS app store
Android Devices : Search for Property Investor in Googleplay app store
If you are an agent/sourcer and have properties you would like to sell on the Property Investor app work with us get in touch by calling : 01902 773940
Apple Devices : Search for Property Investor in iOS app store
Android Devices : Search for Property Investor in Googleplay app store
If you are an agent/sourcer and have properties you would like to sell on the Property Investor app work with us get in touch by calling : 01902 773940
18% Below Market Value
Portfolio of 3 Income Generating Properties
?1 x 3 Bedroom Property &
2 x 2 Bedroom Properties
Offerton Street, Sunderland, SR4 7EA
Approximate Market Value = ?75,000
Houghton Street, Sunderland, SR4 7DY
Approximate Market Value = ?65,000
Lumley Street, Sunderland, SR4 7DZ
Approximate Market Value = ?55,000
Combined Market Value = ?195,000
Combined Purchased Price = ?160,000
Finder?s Fee = ?6,000
Combined Gross Income = ?12,000 per annum
Potential Gross Income = ?17,400 per annum
For a limited time only, we have secured a small portfolio of properties from a tired landlord.
The properties are all fully occupied paying below market value rents as a result of having long standing tenants.
There is scope to increase the rents in line with the market rents to extract further cashflow from the portfolio.
If you want to see more deals like this, then please visit the Property Investor website or download the \'Property Investor\' app by visiting:
Apple Devices : Search for Property Investor in iOS app store
Android Devices : Search for Property Investor in Googleplay app store
If you are an agent/sourcer and have properties you would like to sell on the Property Investor app work with us get in touch by calling : 01902 773940